1:1 car space / apartment ratio for housing

1:1 car space / apartment ratio for housing

Go back to one car parking space per residence, especially for highrise buildings. Even with public transport, people need cars for work, family, shopping, errands and support (eg aged carers, visitors). Reduced car spaces means tenants spend more time driving around in circles, looking for somewhere to park - and burning more fuel unnecessarily. More spaces = efficient parking = less driving = less fuel used = less vehicle emissions per week / month / year.


To put this in persepctive... Midtown MacPark is projected to host around 7000 people across the completed estate - with only 3500 car spaces available. That total needs to accommodate tenants, retail workers, school staff, student pickup, general workers, shoppers, visitors, emergency vehicles and more. 50 of those spaces will be allocated to carshare (DiDi, GoGet, etc). Which leaves thousands driving around for blocks DAILY to try and park somewhere nearby (even with public transport).

Another perspective... I don't drive myself, but need an NDIS support worker. We often spend 5-20 minutes trying to find parking near my apartment. We have to move the car 2-3 times per shift (timed parking spaces). 3 shifts per week = on average 45 - 60 minutes additional driving, just to find somewhere to park. Up to 52 hours of extra fuel use per year.

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