Transforming how men of working age can access Primary Care

Transforming how men of working age can access Primary Care

Not only do men of working age not access the Primary Services, they present serious illnesses later and they die earlier. Men living in the hidden and deprived communities who are also unemployed normally have worse outcomes than those in employment


75% of appointments at GP’s for Depression, Anxiety, lack of sleep etc are women but 75% of people who kill themselves are men. If we include rough sleepers, prison populations, Drug and Alcohol abuse we are looking at rates of between 90 – 75% are men. An analysis of cancers that men and women ‘share’ (i.e. all the cancers except the sex-specific cancers and breast cancer, which is very rare in men) shows that men are 56% more likely to develop one of these cancers and 67% more likely to die.

I am not able to understand why it should be considered a nanny state to try and understand how we can get men to access Primary Care, if we are able to get men to present earlier with their health issues through education, understanding why men "brave it out" it will reduce the burden financially and operationally on the NHS. We do it for women through health awareness programmes and testing such as smear tests etc so why don't we do it for men?

I have already explained my point, this repetiveness is frustrating

I think with all these items , more awareness could be made in the school/education enviroment earlier in life.Along with sex education, general health education should be included.

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