Ndikimi ne mjedis

Ndikimi ne mjedis

Kosova ka ligjet per vleresim te ndikimit ne mjedis de vlersim strategjik mjedisor (VNM dhe VSM) qe i takojne kryesisht insitucioneve (qeveria/ministrite/komunat) mirepo ajo qe mungon eshte vleresimi i nje aktiviteti ( projekti ose biznesi) ne carbon footprint.D.m.th. kish me qene mire te parashikohet CO2,NOx lirimet e cdo iniciative. Mandej sa eshte projekti ne korelacion me SDG komponenetat. Sa ka te perfshire komponenten e vigjilences mjedisore ( kushtezim per cdo projekt) etj.......


Mentors with knowledge and experience on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the green economy will be engaged to support young entrepreneurs to develop niche products with climate co-benefits across sectors. Climate considerations will be mainstreamed into livelihoods investments. The project has set targets on number of enterprises (30) and livelihood faciliites (150) that will be expected to support climate change adaptation or mitigation.

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